Thursday, April 13, 2006

slurring reality

i've taken over 150 pictures in the last week. they're all required. let's recap: 50 for park city (i got my slides back today. shooting in color film is frustrating. they develop weird. i don't like them. grrr.) around 80 for "shot and burnt", and 36 today at scera park. now i realize why nobody can guess my age; the sixth graders (6th? maybe 5th. i hope it was the former.) were taller than me. and i was in pigtails, eating animal crackers while running around the park barefoot. i hope they turn out well.

what's bizarre (who's that singing?) is that i've talked about light and energy in almost all my classes today, and in classes that i didn't have. messed up and confused yet? don't worry; there's still more! we were talking about Pictures as we Colored in interiors today, then i showed numan my work (via the blog), in cacl i had to deal with the stupid Lamp question that i can never figure out (i hate the calculator section by the way. it should die.), in seminary we spoke of kolob, and the Twinkling of an Eye. he compared it to Light Speed and i started talking about Photons and Wave Mechanics. Photo of course, we walked over to the elementary school and took Pictures of the munchkins. they're Crazy! all of it was the silver reacting on the emulsion and the vibration of the retina and the affixed evergy which causes a chemical rotation, dipole moment, and nerve impulse to your brain. and the...Light. it was a nice pre-review before the review on wave mechanics from zach (visible spectrum: 1 x 10^-9 meters!) how did all of my classes suddenly mush into one? why do i live at the school? i want june to come. we can skip april and may.

i may stay after and develop tomorrow. then i can show y'all my school photos. i need to go read befor review at time and later.


Mavis Fausker said...

I'm kinda bummed that I didn't go to the review, but I think I can puzzle through wave mechanics on my own, and they needed me at practice. Hardly anyone showed up. Grrrr.

P.S. I don't understand what the dipole moment has to do with what you were talking about. How do you know how polar your organic compounds are?

nicole said...

WOW that's alot of pictures! I Aplologize for stealing you picture and I will take it off if you wnat and I will never steal again from you!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!! But well what were you too doing that day? I am just wondering! So you still haven't told me why I am weird!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!!

collinhead said...

hahaha... wow, all the exclaimation points. anyway, i'm pretty sure all that about the whole... uh.. i don't even know waht to refer to it as, but basically went completely over my head. not even just barely over my head, much many high over my head.

thats a lot of pictures. in the last few weeks i've probably taken that many. wait, no let me count.. oh 0. close.

miss terri said...

yeah, pretty much.
the energy from the light that comes into your eyes? it is transfered into kintetic energy that turns the rods in your eye, creating ancimbalance that sendes the electrical impulse to your brain. i think. zach told me, but i don't think i understood all of it.

i had to do a photo shoot for my photo class. you don't have to take the picture off. don't worry about it, but be considerate of what you do. if you steal stuff, which is not cool, but it happens, don't tell the photographer and be careful with it. finding it is not so cool either. bragging theft is a slap in the face.

weird is not an insult. you were just being silly and well, weird.

nicole said...

Tell me your secrets for great pictures! I am prolly going to one of our nice parks with my friend to take pictures and I need to know what exactly to do! Any advice?

collinhead said...

find something good, point, shoot.


congrats, miss terri, you've been upgraded to "on my home page" status.

Mavis Fausker said...

Rule of thrids generally helps, Mia. If you don't know what that is, here's an explanation:

Imagine a tic-tac-toe board across the screen/viewfinder. Try to line your point of interest up on where the lines cross. Eyes, a particular flower, etc. That's the sort of stuff you want there/along the third lines.

Of course, this is coming from a photo 1 student. I learned what the rule of thirds was last term.

miss terri said...

rule of thirds is good, try to have fairly simple background, if the light is too bright from behind you'll backlight, contrast is good (but don't be super extreme), uh...what else? there's a lot. just, make sure it's balanced and have fun. if you like the picture, that's what's most important.

i feel so special.

nicole said...

Well it ended up raining today all day and well I didn't go to the park! So maybe I will do it next weekend!!! Unless, I don't have anything going on after school!
And thanks for all the great advice!
Oh and it would really be helpful if you would please comment me on my blog! Then if there was good advice I could save it!