Monday, April 17, 2006

support your local library

ah, i love spring break. i woke up this morning with the biggest smile. i only slept till 8 too. not too shabby. even though it's dreary afuera, i'm still pretty happy. especially with the awesome beginning i got. so, saturday morning, looking all pretty for my mac and cheese, and the doorbell rings. everyone else is too far away or has food in their mouth, so i re-wrapped myself in my blanket and headed down the hall. i opened the door and my eyeballs popped out halfway to new hampshire. STEVE!! holy, i haven't seen you in seven months! steve left for lehi in october without telling anybody. just up and moved. i talk to him sometimes on im, but i haven't seen him in forever. he was one of the last people i'd expect on my doorstep. oh, it was fun, we talked and he ate the orange death with us, and we went for a walk. he makes me laugh. he always takes me off guard since he's super quiet. and then sunday was Easter!m m, and the library is a very good place. i like living there. =D


Miru said...

ilove the library and i love seeing old friends!

nicole said...

YOU HAVE SPRING BREAK RIGHT NOW????? I had mine 2 weeks ago!!!!!! So what r you doing right now?

Did you have a good easter????? I had a blast!!!!!
Have fun with spring break!

collinhead said...

spring break=very good thing. we should do this more often. i haven't really done anything but i love it already. i saw 2 friends last week that i haven't seen in like a year, so thats good. death..???

miss terri said...

i like spring break. it's good java. except with the snow. that bugs. other than that, "to sir with love" is a really good movie.
orange death-the plastic mac pasta :P