Saturday, November 25, 2006

at a loss

as i have grown older, i've realized how similar me and my siblings are. still there are differences that distinguish us in many ways. as my dad likes to say, among others we are very similar, among ourselves were widely different.
well, among only the family yesterday (or i guess today if you want to get technical), i was shown a Major difference between me and my little brother. i was just getting to bed around 1:30 when i started hearing noises. now, my room is right below my brother's, so of course i hear noise when he moves around or has his radio on or something. but normally i don't hear windows opening and screens popping out. when i heard a soft thump on the grate above my window and footsteps, i ran upstairs. my parents brought him back in and monitored him for while, but they eventually fell asleep and i did too. and my brother snuck out the back door. he returned home at 8.
now, i have never even considered sneaking out. it's wrong. you don't sneak out of your house in the middle of the night to do good things. i don't understand. and i don't know what to do. why does he do this to my parents? he knows what's right, why doesn't he do it? how can you blatantly disregard not only your parents, but yourself?
i wish that elder were here. he sets a good example for the younger boys, and he gets along with them.


Mavis Fausker said...

I'm sorry, Terri. I really am. And don't think I haven't asked those self-same questions myself. Only, I never had the hope of an elder coming home in a month to console me. Hold on to that, hun.

miss terri said...

thank you.
i'll try.

collinhead said...

kids like being rebellious, its just a phase. if he's a good kid to start out with then what is he going to do in the middle of the night? go to walmart and play tag? i wouldn't worry too much.

Mavis Fausker said...

Collin's right. Because of my experiences, I tend to jump to worst-case senarios and then tone it down from there. But it isn't completely and totally unusual for teenagers to sneak out once or twice in their lives.

miss terri said...

yeah, it just bugs me sometimes that he's normal. none of the rest of us are.

collinhead said...

normal isn't completely bad. and as long as he has a predisposition to do good, he'll keep on that path. i snuck out a lot as a kid and i stopped eventually. and i still bless the sacrament and i've never done drugs. anyway, even if he's "normal", i bet you'll be able to see at least a little bit of your family in him.