Saturday, November 25, 2006

in other words.

i've decided that though those are my thoughts today, the last post is not one upon which i want thoughts to dwell, so this is something else that i was working on yesterday. i think that i would like it as a song. actually, i just like the idea itself, which is the case with most anything that comes from my fingers; or my lips. no title yet, and it's pretty rough, but enjoy:

beginning of the year,
looking to keep track,
i bought a picture-a-day for my desk

time flips by, goin' all too fast
somehow the future became the past
through spring and summer, then into fall,
my picture-a-day holds it all

(flipping through the pages of time)

april, june, july, september,
30 days throughout november
but i didn't get past the twelveth.
perhaps i'll stay in my pretty picture
and watch the world go by
in my perpetual mid-november, holding onto this moment of mine.

go on life, come back for me later
i'm taking this day that i rightfully payed for
what's the use in flipping through time?
i'm holding onto this moment of mine.

april, june, july, september,
30 days throughout november
but i didn't get past the twelveth.
perhaps i'll stay in my pretty picture
and watch the world go by
in my perpetual mid-november, holding onto this moment of mine.

don't move the page, i'm likin' this twelveth
i'll stay here a while, in fall


Mavis Fausker said...

I like it. Like you said, a little rough, but the idea and the basic rhythm is there. I really like it, especially with my birthday coming up too.

miss terri said...

thanks. any advice for change?

Mavis Fausker said...

"go on life, come back for me later
i'm taking this day that i rightfully payed for"

Italicized part is rough. Some of the transitions don't fit the same rhythm. It would help if I could hear the beat you wrote it to, or want it written to.

miss terri said...

yeah,i think it would help if i knew that.

collinhead said...

i always like your poetry.. i lost the rhythm for a moment but for the most part it flows well. way to be.

miss terri said...

thanks! where does the rhythm change?