Thursday, May 26, 2005

later (or..earlier) thoughts

being awake at 4:30 maakes you prone to profound (and random) thoughts. i've had both. to share:
1(the profound;at least for me.): records, geneology, and journals are fundamental parts of the gospel. if you think about it that what the scriptures are. you say that you don't have meaningful stuff to write? well, mormon did abridge most of the stuff out. how'd you like to try that on for size? evidently there were some prophets' entries that weren't exactly thrilling and the begats aren't quite so exciting. so the point has been, is, and always will be to keep a record in one way or another so that we do not walk after the sins of our fathers. insead we link the children to the fathers and visa-versa, and it becomes part of who each person IS. (Helaman 5:6) anyway...
2(the random): if something of great importance happens in another timezone, what time is it recorded to have occured? for example: we have pearl harbor recorded to have happened at 7:55 am, but what time do the japanese have it happening at? i guess that they'd probably just have it happen at local time for wherever the record was kept. or maybe as the local time for where the event occurred. but what if the entire nation was affected at once? *sigh* deep thoughts with no answers. i need to dance and get back to regular thought "patterns". where's that book that i was talking about earlier?


Alexander said...

And actually, it really puts things into perspective when you sit down to read the Book of Mormon. It makes you wonder, "Somebody died to make sure this was written for me." So now what we've gotta do is figure out what it's all there for. The geographical descriptions, the war chapters, the economics...why is all of that in there?

miss terri said...

that's my favorite question to ask while reading. that's what keeps my scripture journal barely alive.