Wednesday, May 04, 2005

para que grabe...

i should do some in depth psyco-analysis on mi mismo. 350+ bubbles today and i have a tape recording stuck in my head of "pon el caset en la grabadora para que grabe. no hables haste que oigas el tono *beep*" this is worse than the most obnoxious song ever. it's almost as bad as having the entire first section of a listening section from spanish 2, including the intro, stuck in my head during an english test. "unidad 1, etapa 3; A: enrique y ricardo estan hablando en...(it goes on for about 10 more seconds)" that was bad.
i think that i did okay on my test. i guess that i'll see come july. until then i'll go my merry way and try not to worry. hey, now that it's over i can be semi-pecimistic. even if i failed it(i REALLY hope i didn't), i have 8 credits of concurrent enrollment. i'd just be 4 less than i would have gotten with the test. if i get a good scholarship, i won't even notice the difference. :) i'm just glad it's over and all of the worry in the world won't change how i did. i'll forget about it in a little while, just wait and see.

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