Monday, May 09, 2005

monday night fever

so my dad went to all-a-dollar and got some cheapo styrofoam planes and we flew them. as the lesson we talked about refrences to flying and planes, etc in the scriptures. we went down to the tanner building at the byu and flew them there, listening to "saturday night fever" because we couldn't decide on a radio station. every time i hear that fantasia re-vamped song i think of the devil from the cartoon in disco pants, and all his little demons have afros. then we came home and had strawberry pie.
i think that it's funny; i'm constantly finding more and more little ways that i'm like my extended family. por ejemplo: i found out today that my grandmother wrote an editorial column for the local newspaper. just the job i was thinking of doing. weird huh? or how my aunt was the shortest in the family, but no one ever bothered her because eileen had a way of making you sorry, despite being vertically challenged. anyway, it makes me laugh. and i seroiusly need to do my homework. that weould really stink if i failed school three weeks from summer.

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