Tuesday, May 24, 2005

linked up

statix showed me how to create links for my blog and i was playing with them. check 'em out. no seriously, check 'em out! they're uber random. but anyway...
today was kinda crazy. i guess that yearbook day generally is. and that's all folks. no more to say today that makes any sense and isn't somehow related to to the colors black and white. ciao!


Mavis Fausker said...

Silly people who bail before they sign your yearbook. Now there shall be much hunting down of personas. Those on my List, you know who you are, and I'm coming (yes, Tomcat, if you read this, you are on the List; beware).

miss terri said...

i went back and got the majority of them. what am i gonna do at school for the next two days? save me!

Mavis Fausker said...

I didn't wake up in time to go to school (okay, I woke up at 10, but I still didn't want to go at that time).

If you wake me up in time, I'll come to school tomorrow and keep you entertained.

Noah said...

I'll be there (at school) so K-diddy. . . .you can come hunt me down if you wish! I am all for that!