Tuesday, July 26, 2005

as an afterthought

these are for potatoland's excursion, but i need to put them somewhere before they disappear. buen provecho!


head full of words,
pen full of ink,
but i can't get the two to combine.

my thoughts are connected,
ideas make sense,
but i just can't make anything rhyme.

maybe i'm tired,
should just go to bed,
but i can't get this verbage out of my head.

mind stocked with words,
no way to show it,
it's times like these i wish i weren't a poet.

the Boy in Silk capris

brother so Odd, looks for his shoe,
wanders around, doesn't have a Clue

lOOks Here, lOOks There,
can't find 'em Anywhere

thinks his sister hid them

False accusations come and go,
finally shouts, "Where did They GO?!"

(jason was spouting poetry. i didn't have abything to do with his flip flops)


time is a funny thing. i wish that i understood it better. in some ways it is like time is going just fast enough so that we can get only a hint of what's happened before the next thing hits you, and then there are other times (or perhaps it's the things that work with time), that last for long enough so as to make it seem like you're peering into eternity. like it's Never too late to compliment someone, give a hug, spend some time getting to know someone better, or just be weird for the heck of it. then the things that have happened in the last couple months have happened so fast that they're practically on top of each other (it's been a short, jam-packed summer), then again because of that very reason it seems like it's been so long since one of the first of the major events. i'm sure that part of it has to do with me just being older and looking around every once in a while, but still.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


it was really cloudy today and it affected me. i didn't wake up till noon. i did have a thought-full day though. i can't really explain, but it was like that. sometimes i miss the structure that school provided. it's a lot easier to keep your mind out of dusty corners that're best left be when you have stuff to even just pretend to do. you don't have that in summer. nancy and i went shopping and hung out with jose y su esposa. i forgot how fun that can be sometimes. it made me laugh. that and the sun came out while we were playing. that made me day go better, even when it wasn't terrible to begin with. it just bumped it up a notch. sun does that. :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


i love the crock pot! it cooks everything for you and all you have to do is throw everything in the pot. when you come home from work: presto! FOOD!
for those who care at all, here are some super easy recipes i found. i haven't tried them yet, but my turn to cook is manana, so i'll let y'all know.

4 chicken breast -- skinned
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon basil
1 can cream of celery soup
1/2 green pepper -- sliced

Place chicken breasts in slow cooker. Sprinkle with pepper and basil.

Spread soup on top of chicken.

Arrange slices of green pepper on top of soup.

Cover and cook on low 6 to 8 hours.

Serves 4.


4 boneless skinless chicken breasts

1 C. Italian salad dressing

2 t. Italian seasoning

1 C. grated parmesan cheese

5 to 6 potatoes; peeled, cut into wedges

Place chicken in bottom of crock pot. Sprinkle with half Italian dressing, spices, and the grated cheese. Place potatoes over chicken. Sprinkle with remaining ingredients.

Cover; cook on low 6-8 hours.

Monday, July 18, 2005

post potato land: the sequel!

i just came back saturday from a week in idaho. it was a stressful week, but it's over now. the thing was that my grandmother died and my mom needed to help my granpa. they're a lot alike. both stubborn as steel. there was a lot to think about, and my mind didn't want to shut off until i had gone over all of it very thoroughly. i didn't sleep very well; like not at all. it's good that granma is free now. her soul is no longer trapped in its broken cell. but it's still sad for the people that knew her when she was not like that. granpa looks lost now. and my dad's parents aren't doing so well themselves. it's very possible that we could be back up there later this summer. i hope not though. *hooph*
oh! saurday though was crazy. my brothers had 'dogged home with joseph and his wife early, but i stayed and we headed home from idaho at about 6:30 am. we had to be to the airport by 11. having a basement mate is crazy! even weirder is trying to figure out how having nancy home works. she's changed a pantload over the last year and a half. the person that was my best friend that i said goodbye to didn't come home. i hope that i can be friends with this person that now shares my bathroom. and my cinnamon toothpaste. that stuff is the best ever!
:) it's funny: she keeps saying things like, "man, we would never hang out in places like this. it's too nice, they'd never listen. we're SO rich!" or "it's SO pretty here!!" or "whoa, technology is awesome!" "EveryOne has a car?!" "you're CWAzy!". it makes me laugh. i LOVE this girl!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

i wouldn't walk a thousand miles...

...and there's no way that i'd walk a thousand more. jsyk. today's been fairly eventful. all of you are very interested and want to hear about this very much. how do i know this? because i am telling you so. having slept late, i awoke about 12:15 and and wandered around for a little while. then my dad informed me that i was making lunch so i made food. foothill no longer has a soccer field. this is because they tore it up and gave some of it to us. i was very dirty afterward.
well, my brother has been nagging me to fix his bike up, so i fixed mine, then we were endeoring to fix his when we discovered that many of the pieces were missing. so we went for a walk. jason, being the radiation addict that he is, decided that we would walk to smiley's (we were both severely slap happy now) to aquire a game that jason deeply covets. smiley was at the mutt's house, so we walk down there, but then his dad informs us that they both went over to russell's. i didn't know where russell lived, so we walked by foothill looking for any cars that we recognized. THEN we headed home (it was 10pm by this time). being me and my brother, neither of us wore shoes and there's gravel all over the sidewalks. :P my feet hurt. i blame jason.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

what's sad

so you can tell two things from the following: that i'm socially pathetic, and that...well, there's something else i think, but it fades from the grasps of the present mind. but to explicar:
mavis went to snowbird for a reunion the last nearly a week ya? the compy in the meantime contracted constipation, but that's extranious information. so while she's gone i go on four of five (maybe even six)dates. they count as dates because i wasn't allowed to touch my wallet throughout and i was paired off with a friend that happened to be a guy. normally there would be more peoples there, but with mavis gone, and the fact that i generally make better friends with guys than girls, that's how the tree danced. it's sad. anywho, my nathan got wind and while he commends me, he also mentioned that any guy found within a six foot radius of me when he got home was doomed. :) i love my brother. he makes me smile.

Friday, July 01, 2005


we got back from martin's cove wednesday and i'm just barely writing about it. that's bad. but, i shall endevor to share mine thoughts and experiences as well as i can remember them.
monday we left at about six thirty from the church for wyoming. i went with my padres because the bus was full. and i semi-dislike buses anyway. after the 6-hour ride there, we were put into our families (stroud was my big bro.), greeted, and sent packing with our handcarts. it wasn't so bad. the camp site was 4 miles away, but when we got there dinner was started (bro. farnsworth is the best with a dutch oven. he could go on the dutch oven iron chef). we went and did square dancing for a while till everyone was sweaty tired. and we pitched the tents. mine was a mansion. the 8 girls in there had tons of space. i slept well.
tuesday morning started early. days always do when you're camping. i find it really hard to sleep after the sun comes up. my family was doing breakfast ane the sack lunches, so we prepared that, ate, and then cleaned up. while the rest of the ward went to do service. then we left to actually go to the cove. it's intense there. i can't really describe it. there was a lot of love and a lot of pain. i kept imagining the whole place covered in snow. even in the cove there wasn't much protection. how hard it would be to be a mom and not be able to comfort your children? they must've loved us and the Lord sooo much. talk about a noble ancestry.
well, we headed back and the wind picked way up. just our luck, my family was in the back so along with the wind-blown dust, we bit everyone's dust. sand got Everywhere. eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hair were full of it. it blew all through your clothes. we got back to camp and had a gritty dinner. after a devotional we went to a fireside and the wind picked up even more. we had to run back to camp and collapse the bigger tents so that they wouldn't break. we took off our skirts (we had on scrubs underneath) to play games until dark. that was way fun. lesson though: don't play red rover. pain! suffering! blood! by this time we were supposed to be settling down to have letters from home, another fireside, and testimony meeting, generally the most spiritual point of the trip, but the wind got even worse and we had to run to the tents to keep them from shredding. so we sat ON them...and it started to rain. i cracked up. i wrapped up in a tarp and was about asleep, but the ickle beehives were kind unhappy, so i tried to cheer them up. i told jokes, and got them all singing and laughing when the raunchy laurals told us that we were being too loud and to shut up cause we were crazy (at least we were happy. they were miserable.). so we went and at cobbler. around midnight the wind went down enough to set the tents back up and go to sleep. i went to sleep happy, because i was laughing at the last sentence i heard from on of the girls in my tent; "this isn't camping! this is roughing it to the max! i can't sleep with dirt between my toes!" girls are silly. and wimps. it really wasn't that bad.
wednesday we had breakfast and bolted back to the busses. i had to ride in the bus on the way home. mostly we watched movies: napoleon dinamite, rm, best two years, etc. i was sitting next to some of the laurals from the night before. maybe it's just me being my tomboy self, but girls drive me crazy sometimes. i was happy to be home with my brothers. and the shower.
since then i haven't done much, oh! i went to go see batman with the grey parrot last night. it's good! i liked it a lot! comic booky, but that's kinda me too.