Saturday, July 09, 2005

i wouldn't walk a thousand miles...

...and there's no way that i'd walk a thousand more. jsyk. today's been fairly eventful. all of you are very interested and want to hear about this very much. how do i know this? because i am telling you so. having slept late, i awoke about 12:15 and and wandered around for a little while. then my dad informed me that i was making lunch so i made food. foothill no longer has a soccer field. this is because they tore it up and gave some of it to us. i was very dirty afterward.
well, my brother has been nagging me to fix his bike up, so i fixed mine, then we were endeoring to fix his when we discovered that many of the pieces were missing. so we went for a walk. jason, being the radiation addict that he is, decided that we would walk to smiley's (we were both severely slap happy now) to aquire a game that jason deeply covets. smiley was at the mutt's house, so we walk down there, but then his dad informs us that they both went over to russell's. i didn't know where russell lived, so we walked by foothill looking for any cars that we recognized. THEN we headed home (it was 10pm by this time). being me and my brother, neither of us wore shoes and there's gravel all over the sidewalks. :P my feet hurt. i blame jason.


Mavis Fausker said...

You could have called my cell and asked where Russell lived. I probably wouldn't have answered it, but hey.

BTW, he's already perturbed that I made him a malamute; you don't have to call him a mutt.

miss terri said...

we didn't have a phone with us, and it sounded better in context than malamute anyway.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, that's true, but still. Mutt? If someone called me a stray I'd hurt them, and I'm a naturally wild animal. Calling him a mutt was completely uncalled for, bird brain. ;D

Mavis Fausker said...

In case anyone was getting curious, or will get curious in the next week, the bluebird is in Idaho right now. It's her place to tell you why.

miss terri said...

i'll tell y'all when i get time. gotta go be companion to my sister. SHE'S BACK!!!