Tuesday, July 26, 2005


time is a funny thing. i wish that i understood it better. in some ways it is like time is going just fast enough so that we can get only a hint of what's happened before the next thing hits you, and then there are other times (or perhaps it's the things that work with time), that last for long enough so as to make it seem like you're peering into eternity. like it's Never too late to compliment someone, give a hug, spend some time getting to know someone better, or just be weird for the heck of it. then the things that have happened in the last couple months have happened so fast that they're practically on top of each other (it's been a short, jam-packed summer), then again because of that very reason it seems like it's been so long since one of the first of the major events. i'm sure that part of it has to do with me just being older and looking around every once in a while, but still.


Mavis Fausker said...

In Matters of Life and Death, when I talk about Time, I always have her moving erradically and twitching at random moments, yet still seeming to flow. It's kinda like my literary interp of what you're saying here. I feel the same way.

miss terri said...

i like that. do you have a drawing of her that you could show me?

Mavis Fausker said...

You, of all people, know that I cannot draw people. So that would be a no. I might write up a quick description from the eyes of the unknowledgable mortal if you really want me to. I'm nowhere near that part in the story, but since when have I written things in order? I've got the beginning, the end, and some random part in the middle; what's to stop me from writing Time's part early?

miss terri said...

ha ha ha i knew that you wouldn't disappoint me. :)