Saturday, July 23, 2005


it was really cloudy today and it affected me. i didn't wake up till noon. i did have a thought-full day though. i can't really explain, but it was like that. sometimes i miss the structure that school provided. it's a lot easier to keep your mind out of dusty corners that're best left be when you have stuff to even just pretend to do. you don't have that in summer. nancy and i went shopping and hung out with jose y su esposa. i forgot how fun that can be sometimes. it made me laugh. that and the sun came out while we were playing. that made me day go better, even when it wasn't terrible to begin with. it just bumped it up a notch. sun does that. :)


Mavis Fausker said...

I like the clouds. But then again, that's the kind of weather that gets me hyper. I think I have anti-solar panels or something. Ironic, considering what I do for a job.

I'm glad you're having fun with your sister. It must be awesome!

miss terri said...

that's weird. 'stoney says that i'm a plant. that would be why my favorite color is green. funny, i always thought that it was because my parents' favorite colors ar yellow and blue. :)