Monday, July 18, 2005

post potato land: the sequel!

i just came back saturday from a week in idaho. it was a stressful week, but it's over now. the thing was that my grandmother died and my mom needed to help my granpa. they're a lot alike. both stubborn as steel. there was a lot to think about, and my mind didn't want to shut off until i had gone over all of it very thoroughly. i didn't sleep very well; like not at all. it's good that granma is free now. her soul is no longer trapped in its broken cell. but it's still sad for the people that knew her when she was not like that. granpa looks lost now. and my dad's parents aren't doing so well themselves. it's very possible that we could be back up there later this summer. i hope not though. *hooph*
oh! saurday though was crazy. my brothers had 'dogged home with joseph and his wife early, but i stayed and we headed home from idaho at about 6:30 am. we had to be to the airport by 11. having a basement mate is crazy! even weirder is trying to figure out how having nancy home works. she's changed a pantload over the last year and a half. the person that was my best friend that i said goodbye to didn't come home. i hope that i can be friends with this person that now shares my bathroom. and my cinnamon toothpaste. that stuff is the best ever!
:) it's funny: she keeps saying things like, "man, we would never hang out in places like this. it's too nice, they'd never listen. we're SO rich!" or "it's SO pretty here!!" or "whoa, technology is awesome!" "EveryOne has a car?!" "you're CWAzy!". it makes me laugh. i LOVE this girl!


Mavis Fausker said...

I'm glad to hear that you've got your Nancy back, even if she's not the same. It's probably a good thing she's not the same. If we were stuck in stasis, what would be the point of being here in the first place?!

miss terri said...

yeah you're right. i think that's the actual definition of being damned. that would defeat the entire purpose of the plan. and the whole world would be wasted. this is where Alma would use his awesome logic trains of power and rightousness. like "but God changeth not!" anyway...
it's just a little disorienting is all.