Wednesday, July 06, 2005

what's sad

so you can tell two things from the following: that i'm socially pathetic, and that...well, there's something else i think, but it fades from the grasps of the present mind. but to explicar:
mavis went to snowbird for a reunion the last nearly a week ya? the compy in the meantime contracted constipation, but that's extranious information. so while she's gone i go on four of five (maybe even six)dates. they count as dates because i wasn't allowed to touch my wallet throughout and i was paired off with a friend that happened to be a guy. normally there would be more peoples there, but with mavis gone, and the fact that i generally make better friends with guys than girls, that's how the tree danced. it's sad. anywho, my nathan got wind and while he commends me, he also mentioned that any guy found within a six foot radius of me when he got home was doomed. :) i love my brother. he makes me smile.


Mavis Fausker said...

A six foot radius, huh? Well, make sure you warn everybody, especially the parrot. No tackle football, I guess. That's okay, I still have the flags from Sadies!

Sadly, later on this month I have to leave you again. Why can't I just pack you in my suitcase with all my handouts and take you to camp? You could help me teach fire safety. The fire dance just isn't the same without another Jeeves and Wooster fan.

See, when you were gone, I just accomplished nothing. At least you did something in the time I was away.

What else is sad is our planning lists. If you take a look at those, we are pretty pathetic, the both of us. When the feathered friends were gone it was even worse! That killed two with one stone! (pun heavily intended...yes I need sleep)

miss terri said...

hee hee, i've been up since 4:15 and haven't been back to sleep. doug knocked on my window to make sure i was up and scared me nearly senseless. i had the willies for most of the ride to the temple.

yeah, the parrot and doug. without jessie there i was the only tickle-me-elmo. *sigh* it's not my fault, and that's mine thank you very much. if i were taller i'd... :D

i want to dance for bob to jeeves and wooster!! i can curl up really small, or i could wear over-alls and be a beehive! i know how to be fire safe! i just amn't.

Mavis Fausker said...

You amn't?

Anyway, I think sneaking you in as an experienced Beehive could be a possibility. But our ward does have biffy duty three times, and the Beehives are obviously going to do a lot of it. However, the leader who has become "Biffy Supervisor" (we're gonna make her a shirt and she's getting a hat) is coming up with ways to make cleaning the biffy fun. She has a List.

miss terri said...

amn't: contration for am not.
yeah that would work! eh, biffy duty's not so bad. all you have to do is sing and dance with the mops and rags and it's okay.

Mavis Fausker said...

We had a YCL meeting this morning and I was once again very, very sad that you aren't coming with us.

miss terri said...

i was sleeping this morning because i read kinda late. no one woke me up at all so i woke up at...12:15.