Thursday, December 08, 2005

all she wants to do...

so, i have the coolest family ever. after dinner jason, my little brother, and i were sick of robert's "meeu-zick", so we got on the internet and started playing goofy Christmas songs and dancing around the living room. it was even better since we disassembled the couch as is our way. is was so fun. jason's so cool and not at all shy. my sister came and joined us as we did celtic, waltz, trans-siberian, and muppets, mixing sign with interpretive dance and ballroom. and just plain silliality. by the end we were pretty loopy. the shades were open for part of the time and we got the occasional glance from our neighbors. only a glance, they're fairly used to us by now. i love my family. we're so weird. it's pretty much awesome possum.


Lindsey said...

Sounds like lots of fun! What was Robert playing? The harmonica?

miss terri said...

robert was playing something weird on that radio. i try not to think on it too hard.

Lindsey said...

"You bring your explosives and I'll bring my radio, radio..." Sorry.

nicole said...

It's Nicole. So the dance was so fun i gave x-mas presents to my 3 best friends and to one of their cousins. Well after i gave the guy best friend his present he started dancing with me and then we danced to the chicken song... I DON'T WANNA BE A DUCK...I DON'T WANNA BE A BIRD...Something something something blah blah blah. I don't know it all. Then we danced swing and we waltzed. I loved it! BTW... MERRY X-MAS! oh and the person i rode home with almost got a ticket coming from the mcdonalds. See she left the dance and she said she'd be back to pick me up and she was late so she was speeding but the cop let her off with a warning. Lucky huh.! Well ttyl!

miss terri said...

what's the quote from? sometimes i'd like to blow up the radio. as much as i love music, it can only be tolerated so long. at times i think that he's scared to be able to hear his own thoughts.
sounds like fun. Happy Christmas to you too!

Lindsey said...

Mmm, it's the original lyrics to "Radio #2" by The Ataris. The current ones are, "You bring your guitar and I'll bring my radio, radio" – which makes less sense. So I prefer the original... The things you learn when you obsess over music.