Tuesday, December 06, 2005

frosted pies (think romantically)

my feet were a little cold today. i hate driving around other people under normal conditions, so i hung out at school until the flood ceased, then trudged to my car and went home to...shovel the driveway! yehehes! i did put on shoes prior. i don't think that my mom noticed, but my feet were red and numb before being shod. after that they were nice and toasty! the irony of it all was that after spending over an hour shoveling the driveway and starting on the sidewalk, this snowplow came and shovel about another half hour's worth of snow off my sidewalk in less than thirty seconds. i was grateful to be able to go in early, but also i surprised myself by being a little resentful. what i worked so hard to do was the easiest thing in the world for this guy. like those people who are naturally talented and blow the rest of the people, who really work for their skill, out of the water. chocolate helped though, and i am better now.
i think that i can find my winter niche. i hope that i can. i don't want to be lost for the next four months. i'm doing okay so far. i think that the thing is to depend on the fuzzy hippo slippers. and a cuppa chocolate can't hurt.
---sidenote: the concert was really good. and i think that we might be performing in a pep assembly sometime. the next dance is swing!! i'm jazzed.---


nicole said...

Hey Miss Terri,
What's your real name? We have dances twice a month. The play is called One Life about Joseph Smith's Life. Hey can you tell Marcus to comment me? I've commented him like 2 times. Does he not want to know me? So anywho Ya i preffer cedrick too! What is his real name I wonder? So I finished the Christmas tree and put presents under it. I love Christmas! It is my most favorite Holiday. So hey if you can send me a picture of you and marcus! I'll try to send you one of me! So how old are you? Ya well it's been nice making a new friend!

miss terri said...

hmmm, those be questions not to be answered via internet my friend. a person doesn't reveal their identity like that. or post pictures of myself. it causes problems. i'm sure you've heard the stories. one of the rules that i am under when using the net that allows me to blog is that none of that can be posted. sorry. but i'm a junior in high school smack in the middle of happy valley. as for marcus, i'll memtion it to him and give him a good kick in the pants for you. he's a little flagrant sometimes.

two a month?! holy lucky! we get one about every three months. that's totally lame.

thanks for commenting. i love getting to know people, and people outside the state are especially cool because they have a perspective that i don't. have a total blast with Christmas! and by the by, just look up the cast for HP if you're really that curious. i like oliver wood from the first movie too. and mavis is going to laugh at me for being so silly.

Mavis Fausker said...

Of course I am. Hee hee. I do not understand the concept of drooling over some guy playing a character that may or may not be like he really is. Nonesense!

Marcus is not the most regular of posters. He isn't on daily or anything. Or, if he is, he gives no indication.

miss terri said...

i wasn't drooling. i was...inadvertantly spitting. no, fictional characters make the best crushes because anything and everything about them is fanasty, so they can never really do anything that you don't want them to. and they don't cause social problems. they're perfect! oh, like you've never had a crush on a fictional character. NONsense.

Mavis Fausker said...

Um...can't think of one, actually. I know a certain echidna that has a habit of forming attachments with fictional characters from non-published works, and a mongoose that claims fictional creatures as well as humans, but I can't think of one that I've had a crush on. Sorry.

Inadvertently spitting, eh? Sometimes I worry about you.

nicole said...

Hey miss terri,
Ya technocal... I guess i was having technical difficulties! Well anyways what's up? I'm really bored and on top of that my bro. got to skip school to go skiing! What's up with that? So comment me again it's fun talking to you! Hey tell marcus to comment me!

Lindsey said...

Look, Nicole, if Marcus doesn't comment, then that's because his life is complicated enough as it is, okay? He's the type of person that's always involved in a "life crisis" – if it isn't his own, then he is bound to be helping someone else with theirs. He's a great guy, but he's not always going to be able to make random deep friendships off the bat like that. So, if you want friends, focus your efforts elsewhere. He might comment some day, but don't base your life on it or anything. Haha, I probably sound really harsh and mean... I'm not. Well, kinda, but... whatever. Good luck in your friendship-making efforts!

miss terri said...

she's not as harsh as that came off. it's true though. marcus is wrapped up tighter than a five year old's Christmas present at times. just bounce with it. it's not like he's blowing you off, he's just stacked. me on the other hand, i have no life, and i'm a geek to boot! it's the best!