Monday, December 26, 2005

in order to avoid my ems

homework is one of the last things i want to do at the moment, even though i have it oozing out my eyeballs. so instead, the world wide web will be blessed by the drippings from the turkey of my mind. dig in.
so, Christmas yesterday was pretty rad. as the Eve drew to a close and we sang, read stories and talked with the family, it finally started to feel like Christmas. i think that the movie (white Christmas. Excellent movie!) and the candle burning on the table helped. sunday morning, instead of being burst in upon at 5 am, i arose to my piano hymns and just stayed in bed for a while, thinking about Sunday, the Gospel, and Christmas. good combo. the chior program was pretty awesome, and since nancy had church at twelve and the others had other stuff around that time too, we didn't end up opening presents until around 2. jason was starting to twitch. it was fun though, just everyone's expressions, the paper flying, and baby's excitement about presents that weren't even his.
as for me, i got KIWI CHAPSTICK, the Complete Lewis Carroll Collection, a whole Ton of love, and my little familia has grown so that it no longer fits withing the bounds of my pet net. i recieved a moose, a cow, a little fruit bat, and --a really ugly pig, a porcupine, an ostrich, a tarantella, a scorpion, and a camel--(all hand puppets). they're hangin' out under my bed at the moment. it makes me laugh.
oh! and My elder called!! i've decided that he has the best voice ever. i sat on the phone downstairs and nobody thought to go down there, so i got to listen the entire time! I Miss that boy A LOT. i'm excited for next Christmas.


Lindsey said...

I'm glad that you had a good Christmas. Kiwi chapstick sounds awesome!

Mavis Fausker said...

Awesome possum, bluebird.

miss terri said...

i'll possum you!

Mavis Fausker said...

I'll show you possum!

Wait, we can't get in a fight; we have to do calculus today, and we need to work together on that.

nicole said...

Glad you had a good Christmas! Hey are you having a new year's dance? We are and, it will be until 12:00 instead of 11:00! How exciting! Oh I saw the new Pride and Predjudice. It was the best movie ever! You relly need to see it before school starts again! With Mavis! Got to go.

miss terri said...

i don't want to do calculus by myself. math is hard, let's go shopping. i think that i will go to the temple, play pool with cameron, and...see if i can work up the guts to call either the dog or the cat. and maybe do math.
there's not a stake dance that i know of here, though there is always the dance and party down in provo for first night. i don't think i'll go down there though. i get scared a little easily.

Mavis Fausker said...

There are plenty of stake dances going on, though, just not at ours. In a heartbeat (okay, as long as it takes me to check a certain website) I could find approximately...three. Probably more if I felt like sending an email or two.

Math do be hard...but I hate shopping. However, I'm off to do so anyway. Sigh.