Friday, December 02, 2005


i've found that i really like watching people and really just studying them. i mean, think about it; man is truely God's greatest work. they're the best, folks. spending b4 running around getting all the ap chem students was so fun. the reactions of the students in class and their classmates was totally better than doing homework. And we get to be in the yearbook.
later today i went to magleby's on a date and watching the cooks make food (FiRe! Flame! oh, the beauty of enthalpy. gibb's free enery rocks) was so interesting. they would talk to each other as they went about making the food and it made me wonder about the social workings of the restaurant. what games do they play together? what are the different jokes or competitions that they have. and finally, i have to admit that the day ended with style. i think that the difference between mavis and myself is that i get outside myself when i talk to people. for me, it's easier to talk randomly to people that i don't know as well than to those that i do. the snow leopard made me far more nervous than did any of the people at the mall (maya, we took your date idea and asked stores if they had scholarship programs). it helped that marcus wasn't afraid to be silly with me. and i kept hearing bro. pratt's voice saying "oh, no fear. they're not afraid to just be open." seminary was pretty much awesome today by the way.
whoa. that train followed scattered sand. sorry about that. i need to sleep. i have chem, ems, and reading to do BEFORE plastering my hair to my head tomorrow. :, tahtah all!


Mavis Fausker said...

Had I been in the mood, I think I could have gotten into it as well. But it was the end of a tiring week, so I just didn't feel like going out of my way to be weird. It taxes on my nerves.

Lindsey said...

Haha, you really did that? Awesome! Did you find anything? Please forward me some stuff, 'cause I need it. Gah, life has become college... I took the SAT II today. I need it to apply to one of the schools I might go to. Haha, this is turning into something that I should post on MY blog. I will. Later. Right now I'm doing MORE college stuff. (By the way, BYU housing was today. The server got shut down, which is annoying. So, it's really next week now – when everyone has the ACT!)

Mavis Fausker said...

The only things we found were that Buckle has paid interships and Radio Shack pays 75% of your tuition if you work there 32 hrs plus.

Lindsey said...

Hmm. That's annoying! So is the guy a liar? Haha...

nicole said...

Hey thanks for commenting me. Are you Mormon too? So what is mormon life like in utah, if your mormon.
Well i'm really sorry about your grandparents. Well thanks again.
From nicole

Mavis Fausker said...

Oh wait! There was something else. In one of the bigger stores they said to come back in January for applications. Which one was that? We were playing on the escalators, that much I know.

Hey Miamaid! Miss Terri is a Mormon, as am I. I don't know really how to tell you about life as a Mormon in Utah, as I have nothing to compare it to. I could give some generalizations, but that's about it.

For those at home, my word verification is gdabfq (Translation: Golly dabblefish! Quietei!

miss terri said...

WHOA! i go away for a weekend and find myself flooded! that's pretty much awesome! i think that it was myrvan's, though it might have been myer and frank.

i can understand that oddity is taxing. i was stoked to have someone that would play with me though. people like that are few and far between.

most of the populous here is mormon. it's engrained in your head and you forget that some people aren't. talking about YW and seminary is as natural as talking about homeroom or homework. though, there are many mornon's that don't act like they are mormon. there's a lot of grey area that people use to justify in doing what's a little shady.

mia, you have to understand that you're asking a fish what it's like to live in water. maya might do a little better, and if you're Really daring,watch "the single's ward" or "the rm." those are the quirks, commas, and punctuation marks to in depth utah valley culture. other than that, just stay tuned and draw your own conclusions.

a question that would be equally interesting to me would be what's it like to be lds outside of utah? i've never been farther away than nauvoo, and that was for a week on a family reunion.