Saturday, May 07, 2005

nobody's fault

we just called my brother. it's mothers' day there (about 7:30 am) and it was the best time to call. it took forever to make a connection; the number he gave us was 1 off. the city code was 720 and not 702 or something like that. anyway, there weren't enough phones in the house for everyone to be on, so i gave mine to jason. somebody'd give it back when there was time for me to talk. the thing was that, umm, we only had a little more than 1/2 hour to talk, and after everyone that wanted to had talked, and when my dad handed me the phone, the time was up and everyone was hanging up. i heard nathan say goodbye and hang up. he didn't hear me. i know that it wasn't anyone's fault and nobody even thought about it, but it still hurts. it hurts a lot. I Miss Nathan SO MUCH. we call nancy tommorrow.


Mavis Fausker said...

I'm sorry, bluebird. That must have been disappointing. I hope you get to talk to him on some other holiday soon. Perhaps on Fathers' Day?

miss terri said...

it was okay, cause i talked to nancy for a while; more than we were 'sposed to. she still has me beat with her hair. she hasn't cut it since last april and in order to even match her i'd have to grow three inches in two months. not gonna happen. :) we're planning a party when she gets back, to do each other's hair before i chop mine and she cuts hers. I Love My Sister. :)

Mavis Fausker said...

That's good. Sisterly influence should be entertaining. She's back in two months?! Time flies (for me, anyway).

miss terri said...

:) tell me about it. july 15th is the day she leaves!