Sunday, May 29, 2005

potato land

the frozen block of ice is not so frozen at the moment. not quite like home, but que puede hacer? my aunt needed a break and so we went to go watch my grandparents for the weekend. it actually wasn't so bad. fights were minimal and we kept fairly occupied. we took frued because, A: moby dick was full of grass, B: it's cheaper to take the saturn and C: the AC in moby's broken.
*sigh* it's sad to go to my grandparents' houses. my dad's parents are losing their memories and cognative ability completely. grampa's in a rest home and all he wants to do is go back home, only the home he wants is forty years gone. he has no idea who i am and barely knows my dad. his mom's not much better. as for my mom's parents, they're both on oxygen, and can't move without winding themselves. you don't even ask how they are; in short, they're packed up and ready to go home. it's the final waiting that hurts. and the pain is reflected in my parents' eyes. i think that that's the hardest part. it makes me want to be little again when everything appeared good through the rose-colored glasses of naivity. a lot of things make me wish for that. but that's not the way it works.

1 comment:

Mavis Fausker said...

After reading this for the third time, it's giving me inspiration.