Thursday, May 19, 2005

psycadelic scrubbin'

i'm seriously likin' these scrubs. made from a super good cotten, they breath fabulously, don't draw as much heat, and of course the coloring is just awesome. it's what would happen if you dropped the devil's china rainbow. intense red, green, yellow, orange and black all swirl together. all this, added to the fact that they are custom made and tailored to me comf make them the bestest.
anyway, the sky is BeeUtiful and it would be a shame to leave that blue sky hangin'. i'm totally up for frisbee, kickball, anything and everything! feel free to join in. pasta amigos!


Mavis Fausker said...

We should totally play frisbee on Saturday. It would be so much fun!

miss terri said...

yeah yeah!