Thursday, May 12, 2005

sunshine withdrawl

*sigh* this rain is throwing me off majorly. i want the sun so bad. i paced myself during the winter for a normal summer arrival and now my reserves of vitamin d are next to nil. and it's starting to show. it's worse than winter. you expect to be without hues then. now i wake up every day hoping to look up out of my window and see blue and all i see is dirty shades of black and grey. the bed spits me out and i go through the day feeling cold, hungry, and depressed. i'm not sure how to cope. i can't ever remember this happening before. :' maybe i need one of those heat lamps that they put in iguana equariums.
sorry that you guys have to deal with me right now. i wish that i could just curl up and sleep till the sun came back. y'all are great. thanks. hasta...


Mavis Fausker said...

Ah, it all makes sense now. Sunshine withdrawl, of course. Why couldn't I figure it out? Of course, the rain doesn't bother me, really. All the tiny raindrops don't effect me, 'cause I'm already soaked anyway, and when I have left swim for the past two seasons it's already been dark. But you and your solar panels I can see suffering severely from the lack of spring.

miss terri said...

i'm not sure how to react to myself sometimes. i'm a rather odd person. :) i felt bad for matt. he's kept asking what was wrong all week and i couldn't explain, so i think that he thinks i don't trust him.
today was awesome. i felt like a butterfly must when it stretches one day and discovers that there is a tear in it's cucoon. now if you'll excuse me, i need to go take a nap on the tramp before doing stuff. just in case another storm rolls in.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, Matt commented in passing on that. I figured it was just a passing thing, and it has passed with the sun. Now that we've pinpointed the problem, we can tell him and make him feel better.