Monday, May 23, 2005

timeless yearbooks.

looking through old yearbooks is always a source of great entertainment for me. both my own and other people's. especially my parents'. it's fun to read the comments that people write in. it reveals a little more about what they were like when they were your age. i'm cat curious, but my mom "doesn't remember" what about half of the entries were about in one of the makes me wonder about what i should write in yearbooks this year. something meaningful that they're kids will have free licence to make fun of. and the pictures... well we're not going there since i can't talk. :) ha ha! i only show up once in the entire book and that's my mug shot! hmm, we actually should PLAN stuff to do next time. i vote that it's delagated to t-man, smiley, or mr. "i'm a georgia peach mowing my lawn". anyone dispute?'s settled then. unless otherwise told, i'm coming home after school, eating lunch, and taking a nap. :P so there.


Mavis Fausker said...

The fear of lameness is why I must contemplate what generic comment I'll make in everyone's yearbook when I have nothing else to write. Also, I must contemplate something somewhat meaningful for close friends. Dang, what effort. And bluebird, I agree, I say we no longer have to plan anything for a while. Heck, we've gone through enough phone-trauma to last me at least a month unless I'm really, really desperate.

miss terri said...

shoot, i still have to do that. i guess i'll be thinking instead of singing in the shower. :) i wish i could draw like chris. then i could make like him and just doodle when nothing profound comes to mind. let the viewer interpret as he will.
you just can't look at that chunk of plastic the same way when all you can corrilate it with is incesant ringing. biking sounds like a blast though. i might just bumb around some canyon trails and re-aquaint myself with them.