Saturday, December 31, 2005

happy newt ears!

wow. time goes super fast. it's hard to believe that joseph and amanda have been married for a year now, second semester is almost over, and that I'm Seventeen, sooner than not to be Eighteen. i'm not so sure that i like this. i know that there is a lot to look forward to in the future, and that there's no way of going back or even sitting still in the river, but it's a scary thought. i'm going to be classified as an "adult" in a few months. no more getting away with murder. *sigh* what ever will in do with all that extra arsenic? like, my sister jokes about pawning all the guys that she's just not attracted to off on me. we were talking and we both know that it wouldn't really work because, well, they're in a totally different social situation than i. but then we realized that in 18 months i land in the same pot. and as i'm headed to the Y this fall...maybe i'll hide under my desk.
but whatever the future holds, i guess that i my only choice is to tie up my hair take it head on. good thing i have you guys. Happy 2006 everyone, and good luck. we're gonna need it.


Mavis Fausker said...

Yup, we're all here, and we're all goin' through the same issues, so we'll limp through it together. It'll be fine.

Lindsey said...

Gah, I'd stay in high school forever... Or not.

nicole said...

Same to you! You'll be 18 this year? WOW! I'm going to be SWEET 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! I've got 9 months wait though:( Oh well it will probably be worth the wait! Well got to go.
P.s. School starts tuesday for me:( Sigh)

Lindsey said...

Haha, young ones... I'll be 19.

miss terri said...

oh saged one. or just aged one. :) i'm glad that y'all are here. and that we're still in high school where it's safe. yeah, it'll be good.
being sixteen is a lot like being 15. it's not all that different really. at least it wasn't for me. what day in september is your birthday? come the ninth month, i'll instigate my birthday year. cwazy!

Mavis Fausker said...

I was looking at major requirements on the internet today. After about fifteen minutes of aimlessly perusing the course descriptions, anxiety gripped me and I said to myself, "I shouldn't care! I shouldn't be worried about this at all! Back away from the computer!"

Es la verdad; sixteen only differs from fifteen by one.

Lindsey said...

Internet is always capitalized, Mavis. Just thought you should know. So is "Web," by the way, if it's refering to the World Wide Web.

Mavis Fausker said...

Really? Well, I've learned my tidbit for the day. After swim I should go back to bed. School might overexert my learning capacity.

nicole said...

My birthday is Sept.7! I should be in 10th grade but know, I missed the cut off to be in kindergarten. How dumb is that! Well I am back in school. I'm actually in my typing class right now and typing this even though I shouldn't be. I know be good in school. I just can't help it. Comment back!

miss terri said...

i don't have enough respect for the internet to capitalize it. that and i'm not often emphatic enough about the web.
i missed the line too. i would be a senior. i even passed the iq test to skip, except for 2% on the sociality section. never've been as up to par in that area. but I'm Not Bitter. no, actually i like being a junior. time passes to quickly to skip.

nicole said...

True very true! Hey do you have any fun activity ideas for mutual? I just can't think of any! I am so ready for school to get over! Who is amaya iris? Did she do the same thing I did? You know... Look up people I don't know but would like to know. The next game the band is playing at is the 10th. I'm excited for it. What are some of your hobbies? One of mine is scrapbooking! I love it! Got to go.

miss terri said...

i like scrapbooking, though i'm not as good at it. other than that i like...stuff. i dunno, reading, ballroom dance, Recreational sports, spanish, anthropolegic horticulture...stuff.
hey! we just had a planning meeting yesterday for activities! um, my favorites were ice skating, a modesty fashion show, scripture knowledge bowl, silly summer olymics, and a lot more that i am too lazy to write at the moment and i can't remember anyway. maya is, well, maya. she can tell you more about herself than i can.

nicole said...

Today is the day for the meeting to plan! Wish me luck keeping everyone under control! You should get a picture of something and download it to your blog! I'm thinking of getting one of the digital camera pictures of me and putting it on. Instead of the picture of christ and the little girl. What do you say? How was school today? You are in school now right? I'm watching the Eddie Murphy Doctor Doolittle. It is so funny! I got to go.

Lindsey said...

Yes, Amaya can answer for herself. Amaya reads these comments, so you can easily speak directly to her through this.

As for what grade Amaya should be in... She didn't go to kindergarten, she skipped the fourth grade, took seventh grade twice and is a year behind in school. Try to explain that.

Oh, new tidbit for the day: The abbreviation "U.S." can never be used as a noun. It's always an adjective. Bad usage: "I live in the U.S." Acceptable usage: "He is a U.S. citizen."

miss terri said...

nope. no pictures remember? though when next semester starts, i'll scan in some of my photo work. that becomes a large part of my consciousness. i love it!

nicole said...

Ok no pictures! Fine be that way! LOL! So the planning meeting was actually went well no arguments! I loved it! We planned 3 months worth of activities! It was awsome! Hey what EFY places have you been too? Cause I want to go to one but I don't know what is the best one to go to! So I've got to go.

nicole said...

By the way: Nice to meet you Amaya Iris!

Lindsey said...

Nice to meet you too, Nicole... Haha.

miss terri said...

i've never been to efy myself, but i've heard that byu and byui are pretty good. byui seems more exotic (well, as exotic as idaho gets), but that may just be the milage talking. it's nice to go someplace that you don't wander around every day anyway. hehehe, plus there's the chance that you might encounter one of us down here in happy valley. that could scare you halfway to new hampshire. but the byu is good, and i like it a lot. where ever you go it'll be good.

nicole said...

Thanks for telling me! Hey I think it's about time to write a new blog you have 21 comments (including this comment) Wow! So it was funny this morning we were walking to school from seminary and my friend ran and hopped on the side walk and outside today every thing was like an ice skating rink so she was like hahhhaha really weird and she slipped and fell and she tryed to get back up but she kept falling down because of how slick it was. I'm still laughig about it! HAHAHAHAHA (see?). Well i've got to go.

Mavis Fausker said...

That was nearly one of the longest run-on sentences I have ever seen. Obviously this was a fast-paced incident.

She's right, bluebird. This is getting to be old candy. Not really, it's newer than mine, methinks, but it feels like it.

mystery man12 said...

The years go by we can tell why. We grow we change we see more what ever it may be. But who we really are on the inside will never change no matter who you are. You might be able to suppress it but it lives with in us all. May our true spirit come out in these times?

miss terri said...

i like to pace myself in life. things go better that way.
i was thinking that i needed a new sugar high pretty soon. i don't really have a lot going on though, and i'm not especially poetic, so it looks likes i may have to be more creative with my post than i normally am. i'll do my best.